aMAZEzine! #4 Fly Pan Am / Godspeed You Black Emperor! split 7", 1998 33 rpm aMAZEzine! Records, MAZE-01 A1 - Fly Pan Am "L'espace au sol est redessiné par d'immenses panneaux bleus" B1 - Godspeed You Black Emperor "Sunshine + Gasoline" Artwork included. Vinyl > Technics SL-BD20D > Kenwood KR-A5060 Receiver > Adobe Audition 3.0 > 96000Hz 32-bit WAV > tweaking > 96000Hz 24-bit > FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 > flac Encoding level 8. Audition was used for click removal, splitting tracks and fades. No noise reduction. The Fly Pan Am track has a lock groove at the end, a lengthy fade-out has been applied in its place.