The Fragile; released in 1999 on cassette, vinyl, and cd. each version contained different songs, and a slightly different arrangement thereof. So, i used the standard CD release of this album, as it is the most common... (Listed as Disc 1 and Disc 2) And I decided to edit all the releases together, so i could listen to the album in its truely complete form, with no interruptions. (Listed as Right Complete) [I was inspired by a similar release on demonoid, however i decided to arrange it slightly differently, only using fragile tracks, no extra tracks from the era, and only modifying the right CD.] it just so happens, CD one of the fragile has remainded unchanged, but disc two is now considerbaly more cumbersome. (it will not fit on a cd anymore.) disc two now contains all the songs that were previously vinyl and cassette only, interwoven at the correct times as per the other releases.(Some of the tracks have remained unchanged, and a good deal have been slightly altered to flow correctly, as mentioned. Should sound well both when played in a random mode AND when played in sequential order. :) ) Enjoy. (Also note, included in the promos folder for The Fragile is the "deep" promo. Deep was not a release on The Fragile, as it was a movie-soundtrack only release. As it was from this era, i have included it here.)